- 产品型号:
- 点击次数:
- 发布日期:2019/12/17
- 在线询价
■ 模型为成年男性上半身,可实现洗胃时的多种体位:仰卧位、左侧卧位、坐位。
■ 解剖结构精确,包括牙、舌、悬雍垂、气管、支气管、左右肺脏、食管、胃、膈、胆囊、胰腺、脾、十二指肠、结肠等结构。
■ 胸腹部外皮为透明外壳,便于观察内部解剖结构以及操作全过程。
■ 真实大小的透明胃,可在操作时观察胃管进出胃腔的全过程,并能容纳300ml的液体。
■ 模型使用完毕,消化道内残存液体可方便的从专用管道排出。
■ 洗胃术:经口、鼻洗胃器洗胃法,电动吸引洗胃法,胃管洗胃法,洗胃机洗胃法。
■ 胃肠减压术、胃液采集术、十二指肠引流术、双气囊三腔管压迫术。
■ 鼻饲术、氧气吸入、口腔护理、经口经鼻吸痰术、气管切开术术后护理等多项护理操作。
■ 示教瞳孔:瞳孔缩小提示有机磷类杀虫药和氨基甲酸酯类杀虫药中毒;瞳孔散大提示阿托品和莨菪碱类中毒,学生可根据中毒类型的不同选择相应的洗胃液。
■ 带有灯光警示系统,提示胆囊的不同解剖部位。
Tansparent Gastric Lavage Simulator with Warnings
transparent gastric lavage machine with alert model is a kind of teaching training tool for clinical emergency, medical teaching, training the clinical medical staff.The production is upper body, made of transparent plastic, more fit for clinical operation .It can be installation and removal through screw nuts and watched the oral, chest and abdominal cavity location and morphology of internal organs by naked-eye. This model with light alert system can demonstrate the drainage function of gallbladder to duodenum and be the gastric tube insertion and gastric lavage operation and training. It is realistic shape and simulation, strong clinical feel. The hindrance of the gastric lavage tube inserted is similar to the operation of the real human body. It is used in the practical operation, training and teaching of the clinical medical staff in the medical colleges, the nursing colleges, and the vocational health schools and the universal clinical training and the practical operation for the students and staff in the basic health institutions.
1. The simulator can demonstrate gastric lavage,oxygen inhalation,nasogastric gavage,tracheotomy nursing,duodenum drainage and double air sac compression of esophagus and stomach rundus,etc.;
2. Replica of standard adult upper half body;thorax with anatomical structure marks;demonstrate operational process visually through the transparent chest shell.
3. Comes with lampligh warning system and allow to demonstrate function of duodenum drainage
4. Pupils contrast demonstration