



  • 所属分类:基础护理模型

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  • 点击次数:
  • 发布日期:2019/12/18
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■ 梳理清理头发、洗脸
■ 眼耳清洗滴药
■ 口腔护理、假牙护理
■ 口鼻气管插管
■ 气管切开护理
■ 吸痰法
■ 氧气吸入法
■ 口鼻饲食法
■ 洗胃法
■ 手臂静脉穿刺、注射、输液(血)
■ 三角肌皮下注射
■ 股外侧肌注射
■ 胸腔、腹腔、肝腔、骨髓、腰椎穿刺
■ 乳房护理、乳腺检查
■ 灌肠法
■ 男/女性导尿术
■ 男/女性膀胱冲洗
■ 造瘘引流术
■ 结肠造瘘术
■ 臀部肌肉注射
■ 整体护理:擦洗、穿换衣服、冷热疗法
■ 四肢关节左右弯曲、旋转、上下活动
■ 无创血压测量:
  · 收缩压和舒张压可单独放置,每次为1mmHg
  · 收缩压0-300mmHg,舒张压0-300mmHg
  · 科罗特科夫音量可从0-9进行调节。
■ 声音部分:
  · 呻吟、呕吐、咳嗽和同步呼吸音
  · 正常与异常心音、呼吸音、肠鸣音的听诊和识别
■  CPR操作训练:支持口对口、口对鼻、简易呼吸器对口等多种通气方式;电子监控气道开放、吹气次数、吹气频率、吹气量、按压次数、按压频率、按压位置和按压深度;自动判断人工呼吸与胸外按压的比例;实时数据显示,全程中文语音提示。
■ 颈动脉/桡动栐的搏动控制
■ 血压、血氧、心电等生命特征参数病例编程显示
■ 插管:检验插管是否正确,支持听诊检测插管位置

· 乳房切除缝合伤口护理
   · 胸壁切开缝合伤口护理
   · 腹壁切开缝合伤口护理
   · 心包腔引流术后护理
   · T管引流术后护理
   · 腹腔引流术后护理
   · 气胸穿刺术后护理
   · 大腿皮肤裂伤护理
· 小腿截肢伤口护理
   · 着装式压疮护理
   · 大腿感染性溃疡护理
· 下肢静脉曲张及溃疡护
· 上臂截肢伤口护理
· 大腿外伤切开缝合伤口护理

Advanced Nursing Manikin

The system is designed according to the latest nursing curriculum for clinical nursing training. The system consists of a full-body male manikin, vital signs simulator, non-invasive simulator, with basic nursing and advanced nursing, including: non-invasive BP, auscultation heart sound, respiration sound, bowel sound, simulate carotid artery pulse, etc. It is the latest product inChina.

 Features of ECG simulator:

SM900 Vital signs simulator includes “Auscultation, ECG teaching special chest skin”, “Auscultation abdominal skin”, vital signs simulator, simulative electronic auscultator, DC9V external power adapter, etc.

1. 17 kinds of ECG (e.g.: sinus heart rhythm, unifocal PVC, coupled  PVC, atrial flutter, etc )

2. 17 kinds of patient voice (e.g.: cough, vomit, etc)

3. 42 kinds of common heart sound (e.g.: common heart sound, sinus tachycardia, ventricular septal defect, etc)

4. 24 kinds of respiration sound (e.g.: bronchovesicular breathing sound, egophony, coarse rales, etc)

5. 4 kinds of bowel sound (e.g.: normal bowel sound, decreased bowel sound, blood murmur, etc)

6. Large-screen LCD display, vivid and direct-viewing user interface, easy to operate;

7. Auscultation part adopts simulative electronic auscultator and RFID labeling technique;

8. Volume is divided into 5 levels, each can be adjusted individually

9. For auscultation teaching, can connect to voice box, can also connect earphone to play the designated auscultation sound;

10. Flexible power supply choice for SM900: DC9V external power adapter or 6pcs 5#battery;

11. Power saving function: If there is no keying operation within 30 seconds, the LCD backlight would turn off; re-keying operation would turn on backlight;


Trauma evaluation and nursing modules:

1. Breast section and wound suturing care

2. Chest wall section and wound suturing care

3. Abdominal wall section and wound suturing care

4. Closed drainage of thoracic cavity care

5. Drainage of cavitas pericardialis care

6. T-tube drainage care

7. Abdominal draining care

8. Pneumothorax puncture care

9. Thigh trauma incision and wound suturing care

10. Thigh skin laceration care

11. Thigh infective ulcer care

12. Varix of lower limb and ulcer care

13. Foot sphacelus, crushing injury of the first, second, third toe and heelstick care

14. Amputation stump of upper arm and wound nursing

15. Amputation stump of leg and wound nursing

16. Wearable pressure sore care

相关标签: 基础护理,“康为医疗”高智能数字化综合护理人,高端整体仿真护理模型价格,高端整体仿真护理模型批发

