■ 仿真婴儿模型,质感逼真,四肢灵活,活动、弯曲符合生理曲度;
■ 可语音提示脉率;具有肛温测量功能,可语音实时提示体温;
■ 具备6种模式,分别为:正常、饥饿、过饱、尿湿、发热、恐惧;不同场景的设置能够模拟出真实状态下婴儿的表现特征;
■ 在不同的场景下,可通过测肛温、喂奶、爱抚、更换尿布、擦浴等操作使其进入其他状态;
■ 在正常状态下,随着时间的推移,婴儿自动进入尿湿或饥饿状态,喂奶一段时间后会进入过饱状态。
1. 婴儿材料采用进口热塑胶,具有耐高温、耐低温、不变形、弹性好、防水的特性,造型十分逼真。
2. 共设计了三套大多数婴儿的不安情绪都适用的护理和照料程序。“婴儿”不定时地表现出吵闹、哭叫等各种不安情绪,学员针对性的实施正确的护理。
3. 整套程序可连续不断地持续进行48小时。在每48小时之内,会有25-27次照料程序不定时发生,每次持续5至30分钟不等。在这些时段内学员们必须集中精力照顾她们的“孩子”。学员在48小时之内照料孩子的时间加起来共需要7小时。
4. 提供一套“钥匙”,学员在不打断整个模拟程序的情况下,用它来使吵闹、不安的“婴儿”安静下来。学员必须对婴儿哭闹的原因做出正确的判断-只有用正确的“钥匙”才能解决问题-正所谓一把钥匙开一把锁。如果用了错误的钥匙,婴儿将依旧哭闹不停。
5. 有一把“救急钥匙”-当学员在没有整套模拟装置的情况下无法对婴儿的哭闹是做出正确判断、实施正确护理的时候,用它来使婴儿安静。
6. 婴儿身上的控制盒能够提醒教师学员不正确的护理婴儿方式。
1. The infant simulator is made of imported thermoplastic, with features of high and low temperature resistant, non-deformation, flexible and water-proof and realistic shape.
2. Totally three sets of nursing and care procedures which are suitable for most of the babies’ anxiety. Baby would show the anxiety feeling, such as noisiness, and crying from time to time. Learners can take correct nursing accordingly.
3. The whole procedure would take continuously for 48 hours. And in every 48 hours, there will be 25-27 times of care process occurs from time to time, and each time would last 5 to 30 minutes. During these times, students should focus on caring for their ”children”.And the total caring time within the 48 hours for the students is 7 hours.
4. Provide a set of key. Students will use the key to let the noisy and disturbing baby quiet down without interrupting the whole simulating procedure. And students must make correct judgment for baby crying so as to solve the problem with the correct key, what is so-called one key for one lock. If you use the wrong key, the baby would continue crying.
5. One ”Emergency Key” is used to make baby quiet down when students can not make correct judgment and take correct nursing for baby crying because of without the whole simulating device.
6. The control box would remind teachers and students of their wrong nursing way.